Taking your theory test
Get to test centre 15 mins early as requested, they give you an A4 sheet of rules to read, then ask you to put everything into a locker...
We’ve got the fylde covered
Since 2009 we have been serving the fylde / Wyre postcodes with safe thoughtful drivers - Fy1, fy2, FY3, fy4, FY5, FY6, Fy7.
Faulty Indicators
If your indicators are clicking fast, you have a bulb out, if it's at the front and you're turning no one will know = very dangerous. If...
Hill Start !
Turn the car into a dog, make it bite on the clutch and growl on the gas, when clear move the pedals as if they were in molasses, get a...
Test Day: Show Me/ Tell Me
At The start of your test you will be asked a question to which the examiner requires an answer, there are 14 possible questions, These...
Anxiety and Learning to Drive.
A long post but worth the read I am coming across this more and more on a regular basis, sometimes it's just plain old fear, over...